Nomadic советует:
unit {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows {$ELSE} WinProcs {$ENDIF}; function WinHelp(Wnd: HWnd; HelpFile: PChar; Command: Word; Data: LongInt): Bool; |
Здесь цитата из WinAPI Help: HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP An unsigned long integer containing the context number for a topic. Displays in a pop-up window a particular Help topic identified by a context number that has been defined in the [MAP] section of the .HPJ file.
procedure TForm1.HelpSearchFor; var S: String; begin S := ''; Application.HelpFile := 'C:\MYAPPPATH\MYHELP.HLP'; Application.HelpCommand( HELP_PARTIALKEY, LongInt( @S ) ); end; |