Nomadic советует: Использyй ноpмальнyю тpансляцию ошибок в Application.OnException. Вpоде это.
procedure DBExceptionTranslate(E: EDBEngineError); |
function OriginalMessage: String; var I: Integer; DBErr: TDBError; S: String; begin Result := ''; for I := 0 to E.ErrorCount - 1 do begin DBErr := E.Errors[I]; case DBErr.NativeError of -836: { Intebase exception } begin S := DBErr.Message; Result := #13#10 + Copy(S, Pos(#10, S) + 1, Length(S)); Exit; end; end; S := Trim(DBErr.Message); if S <> '' then Result := Result + #13#10 + S; end; end; begin case E.Errors[0].ErrorCode of $2204: E.Message := LoadStr(SKeyDeleted); $271E,$2734: E.Message := LoadStr(SInvalidUserName); $2815: E.Message := LoadStr(SDeadlock); $2601: E.Message := LoadStr(SKeyViol); $2604: E.Message := LoadStr(SFKViolation) + OriginalMessage; else begin E.Message := Format(LoadStr(SErrorCodeFmt), [E.Errors[0].ErrorCode]) + OriginalMessage; end; end; end; |